Ok no pictures this time nothing fancy....until I can think of an appropriate postable picture. Ok I have no idea where to start. So I'll just start somewhere. Preggers now feels the baby. I am still out of the baby feeling loop as it were but I am hopeful for the future. Um...I....hmm yes ah well we did have an appointment. Yes this is where I might get in some trouble. I did promise to post after the appointment but the news was ambiguous anyway so I'll use that as my defense. Anyway the appointment was for the ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. Really it turns out they want to take a bunch of measurements and if you happen to find out the sex of the baby then kudos to you. If not oh well. But in our favor the baby was all hopped up on sugar and didn't let the ultrasound tech find anything. So no sex of the baby....no measurements.......come back in 2 weeks. So thankfully the tech couldn't get any of the things she needed otherwise we'd have to wait until our next scheduled ultrasound which I think is at 30 weeks. We have another scheduled ultrasound on the 2nd. So Preggers and I are cautiously optimistic about that. Today is Week 21 and 3 days, and the day of week 22 we'll hopefully get to see some more.
We intend to register for the baby stuff after we find out the sex. I'm pretty sure we're going to register at babies r us and target and I'm pretty sure we know most of what we want. We went into babies r us to find the crib we wanted and we always go from the beginning of the store to the place where we intend to actually look. I love that place and normally someone will stop and ask if we need help, the answer is always no and that we're just looking and so on. However this time we had a little extra help anyway. We just stopped to check out some car seats recommended by Michelle and the nice lady asked if we needed anything and we told her no but she asked me if we had a car seat picked out...I said well yes and no....which then made her all inquisitive as to why yes and no. So I told her what I knew about them and she told me a little more. So she sealed the deal on the one we want cause she pulled them all out and showed us why. We then spent the next two hours going down the aisles talking about each section and what was popular and what was the most expensive and why and so on. We also got some very valuable input from mothers that happened to be walking through the store. What they thought of the products and why they liked or disliked them. So overall a great experience.
So thats about as good an update as I can provide today. It's something......I felt guilty not having posted. I didn't get any ribbing from anyone about it though...at least I don't think so anyway. Well I hope it goes as I plan because I'll post when we know the sex. Wish us luck
A walk in my shoes....
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007

Ok so I guess from Michelle's recommendation I should update. According to her the blog has begun to grow cobwebs. I decided that no one likes to read about my woes and everyone loves to read about the baby, so I am trying to keep my bad, horrible stuff out and focus on the baby. That being said Preggers is having such a wonderful pregnancy that there really isn't much to keep updated.
Now we did have a doctors appointment that I was unable to attend due to taking family members to the airport. I swore up and down that I wouldn't miss one but it wasn't an important one and this one I could afford to miss. The trip was to finally meet the Dr. that could potentially be delivering the baby. They're kind of on a rotation and all that cool stuff so we may or may not get delivered by him, I say we like we're some furniture...ok not we, the baby. Speaking of the baby.
We find out the boy/girl news on the 18th of July. So that gives us 10 days from the writing of this letter to find out. Pink or Blue, Blue or Pink woohoo I can hardly wait. We're going to register sometime after we find out. I'm not sure when the appropriate time to register is or even if there is an appropriate time. But thats when we are going to so thats ok by me. We've talked about registering at Target and Babies 'r' Us.
Also on the realm of really kick ass news. Preggers felt the baby move for the first time a few days ago. She said it felt like "someone was lightly dragging a finger across her skin". Thats way awesome I can't wait till I can feel it. I've even heard that later in the pregnancy that you can actually see the baby move. That would be cool in an Alien kinda way I guess. It would be cool if I could get a picture of it. Maybe some video. Still working on getting some video to put on the blog. That will happen though in time. Preggers is getting bigger though, I guess thats worth mentioning. She has to sit in all kinds of funny positions to keep the pressure of the baby. So sometimes I look over and see her sitting in her chair sideways and one leg up on the end table, it's amusing to me because its a recliner. She doesn't find it all that funny, the recliner doesn't take the pressure off and so she sits however she wants.
So I apologize for taking so long...I know I have some die hard readers out there (Hi Gram) and that they check often. So I figure from now on that posting and mentioning that I have no news is better really than no news at all. So I'll post baby growth updates. I got that idea from Michelle too. I just have to figure where I'm going to get my updates from. So this is it for now. I suppose I've rambled on long enough.
Concerns this week:
1. Have to get Preggers a Maternity Belly Ring
2. Have to read up on the good and bad baby products before we register.
3. Need to get real smart on baby safety as far as Car Seats are concerned.
P.S. Kristi this link is for you Phoneme.
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