A walk in my shoes....

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hello Everyone. This blog was once a dream, well at least I envisioned illusions of grandeur with it. To think I was going to try and blog daily...then weekly. Now its come down to monthly I guess. I am getting harrassed yet again for not blogging, so I thought there could be no better choice of day for a blog than Thanksgiving.

So this year I have about a billion things to be thankful for. Every year I sit and ponder for at least a few minutes the things I should give thanks for, and every year I really don't come up with much and default to the usuals....family, friends health. Yadda Yadda Yadda. Turns out this year that Health is really something to be thankful for. To be finished with chemo in another week, and hopefully never having to poison my body with that is a blessing. I am eternally grateful for my wife who has been by my side during all of this. I'm thankful for family and friends, all who have supported me in this trial. These are so just the major ones. I don't really suppose you want to hear me talk about all I'm thankful for. So I'll keep it to that. Thank you all for being there for me. Ok onto something new.

So Sarah had a scare two days ago. Lots of contractions and cramping and what not so we thought it was time. We held out and waited to see what the result would be, she went to bed and had a little nap. Woke up and all was well. So just a bit of a false alarm. So we got a bit excited but no luck. 14 days left today.... this is worse than when I was 8 and waiting for Christmas. I'm foaming at the mouth waiting for her to show up. So Sarah's last doctors appointment resulted in "modified bed rest". Which goes to show that she is all go no quit..and that her body is telling her that she needs to relax a little and sit down. So now she must be sitting or laying most of the day. She's been taken off of work and now she's relaxing comfortably in her recliner. It's been a long pregnancy and we're coming to the end. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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