For those of you wondering what a vacuum has to do with babies...I look at it this way. I want to make sure that my carpet and upholstery is as free from dog hair as I can possibly make it without going so far as to excommunicating my dogs to the basement. Which for those of you who know us better we would never do. So the vacuum, its purple and is called the animal. It has more parts and pieces than a tinkertoy set and is just as easy to put together. I was amazed. I generally make a habit of reading the instructions before I start trying to put something together....yes ladies there is a man that will use instructions...not in this case but none the less it was very easy. It has about 4 buttons all of which I had to play with to figure out. So the claim is that it doesn't lose suction. Whatever, I just wanna fire this puppy up and see what it can do. Lets just say that the results were freaking phenomenal. Watching Pregger's face as I pushed this purple dirt destroyer around was interesting to say the least. It was a look of horror. It made me laugh to watch her watch the dirt cup fill up. This thing really does perform. The swirling vacuum inside the see thru cup filled with dirt and dog hair. It was borderline...no it was just gross. When all was said and done..I could've made another beagle....I even pondered it for a half a second before I realized that 1. It probably wouldn't work no matter how hard I tried. And 2. We have no room as we're planning for a baby duh. Ok so this tool for one reason or another just fascinates me to no end. I want to vacuum the whole house down. It came with 3 different attachments...thats on top of the normal attachments that come with most vacuums. It has the barefloor attachement, the upholstery attachment and the not quite sure what it is attachment for extra special carpet cleaning things..I guess. Also the handle come s out and becomes a wand...and extends at least 10 to 15 feet for doing like the stairs so you don't have to carry the vacuum with you. I am very impressed. I would recommend this thing to anyone. So maybe spending a billion pesos on this thing wasn't as bad as I expected.
Ok now some baby stuff. Preggers went to her primary care physician today to see what kind of acid reflux meds they could put her on and there a few categories of medications when it comes to babies and mothers. A quick breakdown as I understand it is that Category A meds are ok for mother and baby and Category d are not...Preggers Acid Reflux medicine is category D which is bad for baby..and the one they want to give her is a C. Which isn't great for baby. So she decided to hold off until she sees her new OB/GYN. I believe that Appointment to be on the 2nd of May. That puts her at her 8 weeks and 6 days. So we'll see what happens then. She said she didn't wanna risk anything with the baby and is being a tough cookie and dealing with her heartburn until then.
As far as what the good books say..well today I'll put something from the other book.
Today I read about Couvade...french for to hatch.....pronounced Coo Vad. Now I thought this might be a hoax but apparently not. Couvade symptoms are the same as associated with pregnant women....the expectant father gets the same symptoms such as weight gain and nausea, mood swings, food cravings and apparently some that aren't associated with pregnancy at all such as headaches, toothaches, itching and even cysts. According to the other book couvade is experienced by 90% of expectant fathers. So that is from the other book for today. A lesson learned. And hopefully I'll be somewhere in the 10%.
Ok one other thing...I found the third book that we bought a few months ago for fathers and pregnancy called Pregnancy Sucks for Men. Its a rather strange book and seems to cater to those men who have ABSOLUTELY no idea whats going on. So I may occasionally excerpt from this one. Well I suppose this is it for now. I have duty tomorrow and will try my best to post but make no promises. Preggers will be on her own tomorrow and I'll have to get an update by phone to make it to the post. Alrighty then. Farewell until tomorrow.
Concerns today:
1. How many appointments are there going to be? I'm going to have to make a calender...
2. I wish she didn't have to worry bout her heartburn.
3. CT scan on Monday for me.
P.S. This is a baby mojo reachout to Michelle..who asked that I spread some around. Good Luck.