Starts with but a single step.......Day two...of the beginning of the rest of my life....so I suppose (and I could be wrong) Sarah (Preggers) is alot further along than we thought. I was under the impression that she was like 2 weeks... but I guess she is almost 6 weeks along? I'm not sure how this works but I'm sure that my books will bring me up to speed.
Events of day two...well pretty eventful...Preggers did go to the doctor however....a hearty thanks to the person that decided that pregnancy tests as a walk-in at the military hospital was a good idea...so in she went and 2 hours later....through the miracles of modern science(ok not so modern, but science nonetheless)blood test confirmed we are preggo. So Preggers is officially preggo. So I bought her a bouquet of Daisies just to let her know I love her and that I was thinking of her. Oh crap and one of the most important events for today...well as far as I'm concerned. I decided what I want. I wanna girl. I want a daddy's little girl....well thats what i want today. We'll see what happens.
Ok so I found like three "when your pregnant" websites...and then today I found three "being a dad" websites...and they are totally geared for guys like me. It has all the gadgets and what to get. What not to get and why. The results with the baby and how well they work. Dude its the poop. I don't even know where to begin. Also I need a new vacuum. With three dogs and a baby on the way...I think its gonna be a Dyson. Of all things to be worried about right now huh? I know pretty lame.....but ask me if I care? Do it....ask me, I dare ya. Cause I don't, so there.
Concerns for today.
1. Will I be a good father (still a concern)?
2. Will I be supportive enough as a husband?
3. How can I make this a better experience for Sarah?
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