Ok now some baby stuff. Preggers went to her primary care physician today to see what kind of acid reflux meds they could put her on and there a few categories of medications when it comes to babies and mothers. A quick breakdown as I understand it is that Category A meds are ok for mother and baby and Category d are not...Preggers Acid Reflux medicine is category D which is bad for baby..and the one they want to give her is a C. Which isn't great for baby. So she decided to hold off until she sees her new OB/GYN. I believe that Appointment to be on the 2nd of May. That puts her at her 8 weeks and 6 days. So we'll see what happens then. She said she didn't wanna risk anything with the baby and is being a tough cookie and dealing with her heartburn until then.
As far as what the good books say..well today I'll put something from the other book.
Today I read about Couvade...french for to hatch.....pronounced Coo Vad. Now I thought this might be a hoax but apparently not. Couvade symptoms are the same as associated with pregnant women....the expectant father gets the same symptoms such as weight gain and nausea, mood swings, food cravings and apparently some that aren't associated with pregnancy at all such as headaches, toothaches, itching and even cysts. According to the other book couvade is experienced by 90% of expectant fathers. So that is from the other book for today. A lesson learned. And hopefully I'll be somewhere in the 10%.
Ok one other thing...I found the third book that we bought a few months ago for fathers and pregnancy called Pregnancy Sucks for Men. Its a rather strange book and seems to cater to those men who have ABSOLUTELY no idea whats going on. So I may occasionally excerpt from this one. Well I suppose this is it for now. I have duty tomorrow and will try my best to post but make no promises. Preggers will be on her own tomorrow and I'll have to get an update by phone to make it to the post. Alrighty then. Farewell until tomorrow.
Concerns today:
1. How many appointments are there going to be? I'm going to have to make a calender...
2. I wish she didn't have to worry bout her heartburn.
3. CT scan on Monday for me.
P.S. This is a baby mojo reachout to Michelle..who asked that I spread some around. Good Luck.
Hey!! Was it you that was asking me about the government grants website? well anyway, here it is... Grants I'm headed back to Cali this weekend, gotta get warm! :)
Josh, you are too funny. I can't believe you aren't looking at Corvettes on the internet anymore!I'm so excited for the both of you and love hearing your thoughts.
A. JD in AZ
Hey!! Was it you that was asking me about the government grants website? well anyway, here it is... Grants I'm headed back to Cali this weekend, gotta get warm! :)
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