Ok day three and I have become aware of an issue that apparently has been happening for the last three days. Preggers has stopped taking her acid reflux meds. Which means she is terribly uncomfortable after eating....lots of things really. I wasn't really aware of this until today. She was eating pizza when I got home from class and it totally didn't dawn on me until after we took a nap. She said it felt like she was breathing fire.....Now why is that I ask....i felt like a retard for asking as I already knew the answer....acid reflux. Well if I had known or rather realized she wouldn't have eaten said pizza. Fair enough...I'm on it now.
ok so a quick update to what i thought Preggers went to the doc....new due date is December 6th, and shes almost 5 weeks along. Thursday is the magic day. So every Thursday is a new chapter in the book, what book you ask? The book is Your Pregnancy week by week.....hereafter named the Book, says that
week 4 the baby is just 1mm in length. Thats way small....and the rest of the chapter goes on to say you can take this medication and not this medication and oh don't smoke...or drink or hang out with people who are smoking. If you take these medications this is what can or will happen to the baby. So everything from Spina Bifida to death. Its fortunate in this day and age that the internet to help me understand what all this is. What makes it worse is that it only makes it scarier and I can see someone getting all paranoid...not me, not preggers but someone out there in neverland. Also to avoid other things like um PCBs and mercury and lead and pesticides. Lots to take in. Ok the OTHER book...the man version called THE EXPECTANT FATHER breaks it down differently. I have more to read in that one before I comment.
Alright, aside from the fact that Preggers has severe heartburn....she also said something that blew my mind. Preggers and I are both susceptible to multiples.....she has twins on her side of the family and I on mine. It's something we've both discussed in the past and kinda was a concern and something I thought we agreed we didn't want right away. She says to me today that she kinda wants twins.....I bout pissed on myself.....WHAT DID YOU SAY? Yeah I think they would be cool. WOW! What now? I don't know what to say to that. I don't know if I want them....really I hadn't thought about it. What a bomb. Eh its not like I get to decide anyway. Whatever. Well thats today in a nut shell. More to follow.
Concerns today:
1. What else is going to give Preggers heartburn...I need to make a list.
2. Names...?
3. Read the other book.
4. Finish my Sociology Exam....hey it all isn't baby you know.....life does go on.
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