So today is Memorial Day and with Memorial Day comes Memorial Day sales. Ha! Three Memorial Days in one sentence. I rock. OK so as I was saying. Well Preggers and I decided to go shopping to celebrate, as if one actually celebrates a Memorial Day. We don't but we do go shopping apparently. Nevertheless, we decided to go to Babies R Us and check out the cribs. Preggers kind of already had one picked out but I wasn't sure which one and what color. So she wants white and she showed me the one she wanted. I didn't care for it one way or the other but I did see one that I liked better. To be completely honest I don't care what it looks like. Only that it secure my baby and send it peacefully in the land of the sleeping. It could be a cardboard box for all I care so long as it does the job its designed to do. That being said I think I may have convinced her that the one I like was better....I do have those skills you know. So we walked in and looked around really with the intent to buy....but....Preggers wasn't feeling up to buying which didn't hurt my feelings any. So we looked and decided to go on about our afternoon. Went to best buy to check out some cameras and camcorders then had some lunch at the nearby Ruby Tuesdays. We don't usually go there and I always have a hard time remembering why. Now I know. The menu selection sucks. In my opinion anyway. So now we're home and Preggers is fast asleep, off in dreamland, meanwhile I sit here eyes wanting to nod off myself and the only thing stopping me is the fact that its almost 5pm and I shouldn't be sleeping. Otherwise I'll be up all night. Well I don't have much else to say. I'll end this for today. By the way I found this book that I'm eventually going to get....totally made for people like me. Its the Consumer Reports Best Baby Products. The A to Z of what to get for the baby. I have to find it at the book store though....hopefully they have it. Well for now its time to be off. Thanks for reading.
and the best part about baby stuff is... no matter what sex the baby is, they have something with Winnie the pooh stuff for it! YES!!!! AHAHA! sucks for you. And the crib in the picture, has Winnie the pooh!! Oh man.. you are SOL bub
Love ya anyway,
Sad thing is, this buying stuff for kids never ends...oh btw, when we get pics together, we'll post them for you on your site. P.S. I think you should change the name of your blog to uni-browporn.com. gotta nice sailor feel to it...
hang in there brother
The Ensign
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