So there it is...the fetus what soon will be known as a baby....my baby. Mine. The kidney bean is mine I tell you. Ok so there it is....I can only tell you that until today I was excited about really a prospect, about a what might be. It seemed real but not really...I can't make this make sense. It was like reading a book about going to Disneyland. The best author in the world can describe it, and even the readers imagination and imagine it....but today it became a picture I SAW Disneyland. Maybe this is a really crappy analogy but its what I'm going to use for now. All I can say is that when I saw this, It all became real. It became tangible, the thought of starting a life was very evident, it moved during the ultrasound....it moved. I cried, not big sobbing crybaby cries but tears....I couldn't stop them, honestly I didn't want to. So after the ultrasound was all done and we were getting up I had to find something to wipe my eyes.....so Preggers hands me a tissue.....A tissue wasn't going to cut it so I reached over to this stack of paper towels. Only it wasn't the paper towel that I was imagining it to be, let me set the story for you so you understand....I am a man(yes I know you're aware of this) and as a man I've been in an ob/gyn office all of about 2 times....so up on this shelf, next to the tissues was this stack of Paper towels, not the papertowels I was imagining. More like Lap Napkins. These things were like 4 foot by 4 foot. Preggers tried to warn me....But no no, I don't listen.....so I grabbed one anyway not really realizing what I was grabbing opened it up and opened it and opened it...holy crap this think is freaking huge.....Oh well I guess this is good enough to dry my eyes....and my body after a shower and maybe the car after that too...crap...so then I kinda wadded it up and threw it away....so next time...don't use the lap napkin. Just the tissue.
So Preggers has been talking about having twins....up till today that is, she was hoping for twins. I on the other hand only want one, and I am happy that its only one. So if she was bummed about it, it was very short lived and now we're good to go. We had her regular appointment yesterday to check all the stuff. Everything seemed good to go. I just wanted to hurry up and get the hell out of there, I had an appointment at Yale New Haven Hospital and needed to get there in a quick hurry. So thats part of the reason for the Ultrasound today instead of yesterday.
Ok so an update. Well not much to report really I suppose things are progressing normally. Preggers and I seem to look at baby stuff more often now and we look at furniture and baby gadgets and gizmos...So far the thing I want the most is that baby backpack thing...I think that thing is so cool. Wear it in front or in back....Theres this one I like cause its all padded the right way and has some cool attachments and stuff....coolest thing about it is that its like 30 bucks. Oh the silly things I take pleasure in....Looking for strollers too....gotta have a cool set of wheels for the kid ya know...get corvette emblems and stickers put on it..heck yeah gonna make it fast....airbags for safety....the works...dual cup holders with Cd player....this babies gonna go. Ok so maybe the cd player is a bit much....I might just stick with the Satellite Radio.
Ok so this is where I say a hello and a thank you to all my readers....Gram and Cathy (Michelles Mom) and Sissy and Mom and well everyone..thanks.
This whole b-l-o-g thing is more complicated than I thought...but worth it! What can I say brother? I'm totally excited for you both. The first pictures are always the most memorable. I'm so excited to be able to keep up with the goings on of my future niece or nephew. We are finally growing up Brother, lead the way!
p.s. I'm totally gunna get a new vacuum.
Add one more to your fan base. I love the updates. Keep 'em coming :). You both will make fabulous parents so chill out on the worrying and enjoy this time. Remember right now it's currently quiet. Just a thought. Love your favorite cousin/aunt Kristi
oh shesh! you are on blogspot. hahahahahaa good. I'll have to post your link on mine so you'll get some hits. Update everyday!!!!
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