Well I suppose I should post as it's been awhile. Preggers is now as of today 10 weeks and 6 days along. Not much new to report really, as far as making the baby anyway. I guess its kinda like a Thanksgiving Turkey. You have to prep it and rub it down and then stuff it...thats the fun part. Now you occasionally look through the oven glass with the light on to see how its doing...then once in awhile you open it up and squirt juice on the top to keep it moist. I can see the metaphor in most all of that except the squirting juice on it...haven't figured out what part of the pregnancy that is. Hell even the belly button pops out when its almost done. See turkey metaphors all over the place. I like it. I'll use it....I mean, I'll use it again after this time. So the next time someone "looks through the oven glass" is on the 31st. Just a follow up with the OB. Hopefully no juicing, just looking through the door. So nothing very new. I mean nothing you all want to hear. I mean her boobs are getting bigger..(bonus), and they're more sensitive(sometimes bonus). But other than that she hasn't started cravings....least not yet, that I'm aware of. No new Aches and Pains...just the traditional stuff. She doesn't get the nausea like some people we know...Michelle. Sorry to hear that it sucks so bad for you. Just a little nausea here nothing too serious. Thought you'd like to know! So overall pregnancy still a good ordeal overall.
So now for those who may or may not have heard. I was diagnosed on the 9th of May with Gastric Cancer. I suppose this could have been worse, but the timing I think may have been a little off. It's ok though, I guess better now than 6 months ago. In the big world of Cancers I suppose I have won the Cancer lottery. So far it seems very localized, no spreading and a small tumor. I'm glad that we're already pregnant as the Chemotherapy has potential for sterilization....although the doctors assure me is unlikely. I was going to post a huge angry at the world blog last night but I'm glad that it turned into this. I'm not angry.....well yes I am but no reason yet to let it all out here. Just trying to stay positive an get through it. Until next time Ladies and Gents.....
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